Our Story
With the hustle and bustle of everyday life you can easily lose track of the state of your website or a device that you have been meaning to get fixed, but that’s why LemishTech is here! Founded in 2016, Lemish Tech has repaired and designed at least 20 websites as well as repaired 10 or more devices, all successfully! Eleanor the owner of Lemish Tech has had a passion for technology since a young age, tinkering constantly with iPhones, Laptops, and websites since the age of around 14 years old. Through the process of trial and error as well as a good education she has the understanding of programming and device repair that makes her a guru of modern technology. She started Lemish Tech to further her career to be closer to her passion for technology. Currently Eleanor works at a well known registrar (a company that sells domains and hosting) as a server support technician.
Our Approach
Good quality service and Cheap Rates for anyone’s budget. Our devices are everyday tools and they need to have the proper care within a reasonable budget. Websites help businesses thrive and need the best of care to stay live on the internet. If something breaks it’s not always the cheapest option to just replace it. At Lemish Tech we are committed to providing the fastest possible service with the quality and budget that matches the demand of today’s technical based world.
Want an Appraisal?
Contact Us now for an appraisal on repairing your device or website. It’s easy and quick. No strings attached.